Bubble Cigar Pendant Lamp

Reproduction. Design original par George Nelson
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Reproduction. Design original par George Nelson
The characteristic of the lamp matches with the original design of George Nelson’s lamp design from 1947 onwards. This is an elongated version of bubble small cigar pendant lamp, where the design and shape remains the same; just the length of the lamp is little extended, it is oval cylindrical geometrical figure fixed to a straight line steel wire to the hemispherical top. The off white natural colour of the lamp presents it as delicate object which will disseminate light in its own beautiful expressive way. The height and width dimension of the bubble cigar lamp is 26cm and 17cm respectively which make it noticeable as a long structure hanging from the top.

The name George Nelson is only used to describe the characteristics of the goods made to the original design, and not as a trade mark.
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Matières Plastic coating over steel wiring.
Hauteur * Largeur 26cm * 17cm
Profondeur 17cm
Poids 2
Nombre de colis 1
Designer George Nelson