Frisbi Pendant Light

Reproduction. Design original par Achille Castiglioni
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Prix Spécial 1 526,00 MAD Prix normal 2 180,00 MAD
Reproduction. Design original par Achille Castiglioni

The innovative lamp was designed in 1978 by award winning industrial designer, Achille Castiglioni. Beauty lies in simplicity – what better example than this elegant Frisbi pendant lamp? Fine metal tightropes sculpt together to frame the stylish, rounded shade. The lamp gets its name from the frisbi shaped reflector underneath the light source, which diffuses the light and adds a soft, pleasant glow to the interiors. The hole in the centre of the reflector ensures direct downward light and adds to the unique characters of this modern masterpiece.

The name Achille Castiglioni is only used to describe the characteristics of the goods made to the original design, and not as a trade mark.

Plus d’information
Matières carbon steel aluminium & E27 1*100W
Hauteur * Largeur 78cm * 60cm
Profondeur 60cm
Poids 3,25
Nombre de colis 1
Hauteur assise 42 cm (Standard)
Ampoule 60W E27
Designer Achille Castiglioni